Leave a legacy

Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to contribute to the future of the Museum, and to be part of the important legacy of Thomas, Mawson, Tindale, Wilkins, Waterhouse and so many others. By leaving a gift in your Will, you will become part of the growing family of people who care deeply about the future of the South Australian Museum.

Why support in this way?

You can make a gift that costs you nothing now.

You can provide for your loved ones and causes you care about.

You can support our research and collections for future generations.

Large or small your bequest will ensure your values live on.

What can you do?

Making a Will ensures that everything you have worked hard for in your lifetime is passed on to your loved ones and to the institutions you care about. It also provides a way to make a significant gift that you may not find possible during your lifetime.

Donors who have remembered the South Australian Museum in their Wills can help to build and maintain its collections and provide indispensable support for exhibitions, scholarly publications, scientific research, conservation, and a range of educational activities.

Your gift, however large or small, will make a transformative difference at the Museum. Leaving an unrestricted legacy allows us to use your gift wherever the need is greatest, supporting essential areas of work including education and outreach, research, conservation, gallery improvements, exhibitions and acquistions.

A bequest is one of the simplest ways to provide for the Museum's future and can take many forms. Should you consider naming the South Australian Museum as a beneficiary in your Will, we strongly recommend you consult with your family members, and seek independent professional advice.

We are happy to help you or your adviser with any planned bequests. Please contact us with any questions you might have. All inquiries are held in the strictest confidence.

Get in touch

For your Solicitor

Please speak with your solicitor about the type of gift that will best suit you and your estate.
If you wish to make a gift in your will, your solicitor may find the following wording helpful.

General Bequest

“I give to the South Australian Museum Foundation Fund (North Terrace, ADELAIDE, SA 5000) (ABN 91 733 632 813) the sum of $ ……………. or ………………. % (or % of the remainder of my estate), to be used for the general purposes of the South Australian Museum Foundation Fund at the discretion of the Director and the Foundation Board and I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of the Museum shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee, who shall not be bound to see to the application of this gift”.

Specific Bequest

“I give to the South Australian Museum Foundation Fund (North Terrace, ADELAIDE, SA 5000) (ABN 91 733 632 813)  (the sum of $ …………………… or ………………..… % (or % of the remainder of my estate), and I express the wish, without creating any trust, that this gift be used for (state your preferred use for the gift), and I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of the Museum shall be sufficient discharge to my Trustee, who shall not be bound to see the application of this gift”.

The full legal name of the Museum is: South Australian Museum Foundation Fund and the Australian Business Number (ABN) 91 733 632 813